Pertame Fluency Transfer System

Salish Fluency Transfer System

In 2023, the Pertame staff team attended an Immersion Symposium hosted by the Salish School of Spokane in Montana to receive training on developing and implementing their highly successful Fluency Transfer System Curriculum.

Salish School of Spokane and The Paul Creek Language Association, along with their partners, have developed a comprehensive, sequenced fluency transfer system and curriculum that is designed to help new learners become fluent in their Indigenous Language. The fluency system and curriculum is composed of six textbooks divided into three levels as well as instructional techniques and materials used to teach the material using full immersion.  At each level of the fluency system and curriculum, there is a language book and a literature book.  Each book is accompanied by audio recordings and additional materials to aid in learning and teaching. The curriculum model and its organization are copyrighted and provided by LaRae Wiley and Christopher Parkin.

"We are astounded. To date 19 Indigenous language communities have adopted the system for language revitalization projects. From Montana to Alice Springs, Australia, the demand keeps growing. Adopting this fluency transfer system, converting it, loading it up with their own language, culture and environment and traditions and then using that to train new advanced fluent speakers,"

Chris Parkin, principal of the Salish School of Spokane in Washington State and one of the creators of the program.

Pertame Staff learning the Fluency Transfer System model

Beginner Pertame Fluency Transfer System Audio Recordings

Listen to Pertame Elder Doreen Abbott read out the words and example sentences for each session within the Pertame Fluency Transfer System Beginner Guide.

See below for the audio recordings that go with each session within the booklet